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My Golden Pear

Monday 15 April 2013


There was a palpable excitement in the air.  The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the air was warm.  The kids swapped their socks and trainers for flip flops, summer shorts were donned and the water pistols were dusted off.  My hubby retrieved the barbecue from the depths of the shed and spent a couple of hours cleaning it ready for his first barbie of the year.  The ice cream was in the freezer, the salad tossed, the meat sizzling and the wine poured.  This was what we had all been waiting for - the start of our long overdue summer.  We raised our glasses to toast a long, happy summer and that's when we felt it.  Rain - not just a few drops but enough that we had to abandon our barbecue and dash indoors - wet and miserable once more. 
 Oh the joys of a British summer!!
I had made this blueberry and lime ice cream as a treat for the kids and we still managed to enjoy it but probably not quite the same as if the sun had still been shining.  The addition of lime makes it deliciously refreshing and it really is a quick dessert if you have an ice cream maker.   If you don't have an ice cream maker then it is still possible to make - it just takes a bit longer.  All you need to do is place your bowl of mixture into the freezer for an hour, remove and whisk until smooth.  Return it to the freezer again for another hour, remove and whisk again.  Transfer the mixture to a rigid container and return to the freezer.  Before serving, move to the fridge for 30 minutes to soften.  I save all the soft and squidgy blueberries that the kids refuse to eat by storing them in the freezer until I have enough to make this ice cream.  For this reason I am going to submit this post to Turquoise Lemons - No Waste Food Challenge which has a theme of fruit this month and is being hosted by Elizabeth over at the lovely Elizabeth's Kitchen


Blueberry & Lime Ice Cream

Prep time: 20 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes plus freezing time

Yield: 4 - 6

  • 2 limes
  • 140g caster sugar
  • 150g blueberries
  • 200ml coconut cream
  • 284ml double cream
Cooking Directions
  1. Finely grate the zest from 1 of the limes and squeeze the juice from both.
  2. Add the zest, juice and sugar to a pan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved.
  3. Add the blueberries to the pan and heat gently for a further couple of minutes.
  4. Leave mixture to cool.
  5. Stir in the coconut cream and blitz quickly with a hand blender to mix thoroughly.
  6. Whip the cream in a bowl until it just holds its shape.
  7. Stir the cream into the blueberry mixture.
  8. Churn in your ice cream maker until thick.
  9. Transfer the mixture to a container and freeze until required.
  10. Before serving, transfer to the fridge for 30 minutes to soften.
Written by Angela Darroch
Recipe adapted from BBC Good Food - May 2003

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Wednesday 18 July 2012


There are so many good vanilla ice creams on the market but for pure indulgence there is nothing to beat a good homemade version.  If you are worried about making the custard - don't be.  If you end up with a lumpy mess then just take a whisk to it and beat the lumps out and nobody will be any the wiser.  If you are not sure what to make with the left over egg whites then freeze them in an ice cube tray for later.  Just remember to label them once frozen or you could ruin your next lovely cocktail drink.

Prep time: 20 minutes plus additional chilling and churning time
Cook time: n/a

  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 300 ml milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 75g caster sugar
  • 5ml cornflour
  • 300 ml double cream
Cooking Directions
  1. Using a small knife, slit the vanilla pod lengthways.
  2. Pour the milk in a saucepan, add the vanilla pod and bring to the boil.
  3. Remove from the heat and leave for 15 minutes to allow the flavours to infuse.
  4. Whisk the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour in a bowl until the mixture is thick and foamy.
  5. Gradually pour over the hot milk, whisking constantly.
  6. Return the mixture to the pan and cook over a gentle heat, stirring all the time. (I leave the vanilla pods in while I am doing this to maximise the flavour).
  7. When the custard thickens and is smooth, pour it back into the bowl. Chill
  8. Whip the cream until it has thickened but still falls from a spoon.
  9. Fold the cream into the custard and churn in your ice cream maker until thick.
Written by : Angela Darroch       

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Friday 13 July 2012


I finally got all three ice creams made and assembled my gelato cake.  It turned out much nicer than I thought it would and looks very pretty on the plate.  It is a lot of work to make all three layers from scratch but once it is done you can leave it in the freezer as a good standby dessert which would go down well with kids and adults.  I haven't given specific quantities for the ice creams because it is going to depend on the container that you use.  Try and use the same amount of scoops for each layer to get some consistency and press down well to get rid of any air bubbles.
Personally I'm not sure it needs the biscuit layer on the bottom and would try it without next time I make it.



Cooking Directions
  1. Line a baking tin with baking parchment.
  2. Crush the biscuits to fine crumbs in a food processor.
  3. Put the crumbs in a large mixing bowl and add the melted butter, stir thoroughly.
  4. Tip them into your baking tin, pressing down firmly with a spoon.
  5. Place in the fridge until set.
  6. Spoon the chocolate gelato over the crumb base, pressing down evenly.
  7. Place in the freezer until set.
  8. Repeat last two steps with the raspberry sorbet.
  9. Repeat again with the vanilla ice cream.
  10. Cover with baking parchment and leave in the freezer overnight to firm up.
  11. When you are ready to serve the gelato cake, remove the parchment, place a serving plate on top, invert the pan and then invert again on to another plate so that it sits base-down.
  12. Serve in slices.
Written by : Angela Darroch       

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Thursday 12 July 2012


I have to confess that chocolate ice cream is not my favourite but in the latest Food and Travel magazine there is a dessert which intrigues me.  It looks fabulous but I just can't see how all the different flavours can work together.  It involves making three different ice creams and one of them is this chocolate gelato.  I've now made two - one to go.  Hopefully by tomorrow my dessert will be ready to try in time for National Ice Cream day. 

Source - Food and Travel


For the printable version - click here

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: n/a
Total time: 15 minutes plus 30 minutes churning time

Yield: 6 servings

  • 500 ml full cream milk
  • 165 ml whipping cream
  • 40g dark chocolate
  • 160g caster sugar
  • 50g cocoa powder (unsweetened)
  • 1 egg white
Cooking Directions
  1. Put the milk, cream and dark chocolate in a saucepan and heat gently to boiling point.
  2. Leave to one side to cool down.
  3. In a large bowl, combine the sugar, egg white and the cocoa powder.
  4. Add the milk mixture and whisk together until well combined.
  5. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn until ready.


Written by: Angela Darroch

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